Welcome to the Southend Climate Action website. You can find out all about climate change in Southend-on-Sea, what we are doing about it and how you can help.
Latest news
Council issues advice on staying cool and hydrated to cope with future heatwaves
Southend-on-Sea City Council is reminding residents to stay cool and hydrated to cope with future heat waves and to avoid heat stress.
Council wants Southend to be a ‘refill destination’
The council are encouraging local businesses and residents to help the city become a ‘refill destination’ by providing greater access to drinking water as well as refill and reusable packaging.
Council urges residents to support Clean Air Day after being awarded grant for air quality schools project
Southend-on-Sea City Council is encouraging residents to make small changes to their daily routine to promote better air quality as part of this year’s annual Clean Air Day.