Orange balloon on woodland floor.

We have issued new guidance for the release of balloons and sky lanterns.

The council considers the release of balloons and sky lanterns from any land or buildings as detrimental to the environment and prohibits the intentional release of all balloons and sky lanterns from council owned land and buildings. This applies to council run events and events run by third parties.

This guidance covers all types of balloons and sky lantern materials and includes single or multiple balloons and/or sky lantern releases including those that are biodegradable.

Cllr Carole Mulroney, cabinet member for environment, culture and tourism, said: “The Council is one of the largest landowners in the city and we are fortunate to have many parks, gardens, recreational areas, and beaches. But we recognise that activities within our green open spaces can have a significant impact on the local environment.

“In addition to the potential fire damage that sky lanterns can have on farming and buildings, there is evidence of the harmful impacts of sky lantern or balloon litter to the environment and wildlife, in particular within the marine environment.

“We want everyone to consider the fun, alternative eco-friendly ways to mark a special occasion that won’t endanger animals or local communities. These include tree planting memorials, releasing bubbles instead of balloons and using soaps that are safe for fish and the environment, painting stones or a memory walk. We should not ignore the negative impacts of releasing balloons and sky lanterns.”

The full guidance document is now available on the council’s website and appears on the following webpages: ‘hosting an event on Council land’, ‘organising a street party’ and ‘Southend-on-Sea Safety Advisory Group (SAG)’.

Published: Wednesday, 2nd November 2022